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Chest Name Location Key Contents User Respawn (hh:mm:ss) Global Respawn (hh:mm:ss) Pick Level Gold
bone chest Stoneheim Chipped bone key Steel safe key, Steel safe key, Steel safe key, Steel safe key, Steel safe key, Steel safe key, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing 00:50:00 00:50:00 80 54
chest Forest of No Return Gem of the Sun, Mithril chainmail girdle, Scroll of detect hidden, Hickory recurve bow, Potion of tranquility, Hickory reflex bow, Scroll of barrier, Oak flatbow / Scroll of orientation I, Grim sword of war, Cloak of the skull, Escape scroll, Raincloak, Fine steel hand axe, Scroll of barrier, Large shield, Elven leather gloves 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 871
chest Stoneheim Finely crafted drum, Potion of serious healing, Mana elixir, Scroll of recall 00:50:00 00:41:40 0 302
chest Forest of No Return Gem of the Moon, Potion of nimbleness, High-metal short sword, Scroll of recall, Elven leather gloves, Hickory flatbow, Scroll of detect invisible, Potion of light healing, Scroll of minor combat sense / Scroll of orientation I, Scalemail boots, Chainmail girdle, Elven leather boots, Elm recurve bow, Potion of clear thought, Bow of the spiders 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 789
chest Forest of No Return Gem of the Stars, High-metal flail, Potion of tranquility, Elven leather boots, Potion of fortitude, Chainmail girdle, Potion of nimbleness, Hickory compound bow, Elven leather gloves / Scroll of orientation II, Ring of the forester, Elven leather gloves, Large shield, Elm reflex bow, Scroll of protection, Elven leather helmet, Scroll of orientation II, Elm reflex bow, Scroll of protection, Scroll of protection 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 912
chest Madrigan's mad house Broom, Fork, Candle, Spoon, Rolling pin, Gnarled walking stick, Scroll of protection, Scroll of barrier, Scroll of detect hidden, Scroll of true sight, Scroll of minor combat sense, Scroll of invisibility, Scroll of detect invisible / Hammer of true sight, Silver spoon of the Prophet, Straight jacket +1, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Manastone, Potion of fury, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of fortitude 00:26:40 00:20:00 0 342
chest Madrigan's mad house Broom, Fork, Candle, Spoon, Rolling pin, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of fury, Potion of lesser fire resistance, Potion of lesser earth resistance, Potion of lesser water resistance, Potion of lesser air resistance, Potion of lesser protection from evil, Mana prism, Mana elixir, Potion of mana, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing / Bloodstained broadsword, Straight jacket +1, Scroll of protection, Scroll of recall, Scroll of barrier, Scroll of earthen strength, Scroll of minor combat sense, Scroll of detect hidden 00:25:00 00:16:40 0 231
chest Madrigan's mad house C1 permit, Broom, Fork, Candle, Spoon, Rolling pin, C1 permit / Helmet of the Clairvoyant, Straight jacket +1, Scroll of detect hidden, Scroll of recall, Scroll of earthen strength, Scroll of barrier, Scroll of protection, Scroll of invisibility, Potion of light healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing 00:25:00 00:16:40 0 433
chest Stoneheim Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Shiny metal key, Potion of light healing, Shiny metal key 00:20:00 00:10:00 0 21
chest Stoneheim Bracers of battle, Raw crystal, Sapphire-hilted rapier, Mana elixir, Manastone, Scroll of recall, Potion of fury, Potion of regeneration, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of fortitude, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Crude skraug bow 00:36:40 00:20:00 0 431
chest Stoneheim Raw crystal, Prismatic blade, Hickory flatbow, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Mana elixir, Potion of mana, Manastone, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Fine steel short sword, Polished broadsword 00:36:40 00:20:00 0 433
chest Stoneheim Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fury, Potion of regeneration, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of fortitude, Potion of tranquility, Potion of mana, Manastone, Mana elixir / Raw crystal, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of regeneration, Potion of fury, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Round shield, Crude skraug bow 00:36:40 00:20:00 0 323
chest Stoneheim Blackened iron key Hickory recurve bow, Potion of fury, Scroll of recall, Scalemail protector, Fine steel mace, Rough moonstone, Elven leather belt, Potion of nimbleness, Large shield, Fine steel hand axe, Potion of clear thought, Potion of cure disease, Platemail gauntlets, Ring of the berserker / Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of fury, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Potion of fortitude, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure poison, Potion of cure rabies, Scroll of recall 00:33:20 00:16:40 75 321
chest Stoneheim Elm recurve bow, Elven leather helmet, Scroll of recall, Potion of tranquility, Hickory flatbow, Elven leather boots, Fine steel scimitar, Potion of light healing, Elm reflex bow, Potion of clear thought, High-metal short sword, Mana elixir, Manastone, Potion of mana 00:40:00 00:20:00 0 361
chest Stoneheim Scalemail leggings, Potion of critical healing, Rough amethyst, Scroll of recall, Elm recurve bow, Elven leather helmet, Hickory flatbow, Elven leather belt, Potion of clear thought, High-metal flail, Potion of serious healing / Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Scroll of recall, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure poison, Potion of cure disease, Potion of fury, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Torch 00:40:00 00:20:00 0 282
chest Stoneheim Key of Ascension Potion of cure rabies, High-metal flail, Potion of light healing, High-metal short sword, High-metal scimitar, Tower shield, Dwarven platemail gauntlets, Dwarven platemail helmet, Dwarven platel protector, Dwarven platemail boots, Oak longbow, Adamantite blade, Hyper potion of fury, Hyper potion of clear thought, Hyper potion of fortitude, Hyper potion of tranquility, Hyper potion of nimbleness, Rough agate, Platemail boots, Platemail helmet 00:33:20 00:20:00 85 642
chest Stoneheim Key of Ascension Potion of critical healing, Potion of serious healing, High-metal flail, Mithril shield, Potion of clear thought, High-metal broadsword, Potion of fortitude, Mithril flail, Mithril chainmail girdle, Mithril broadsword, Potion of fury, Potion of tranquility, Prismatic blade, Platemail gauntlets / Scroll of recall, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of regeneration, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Manastone, Mana prism, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure poison 00:30:00 00:20:00 80 545
chest Stoneheim Key of Ascension Potion of healing, Mithril chainmail helmet, Potion of healing, Plate protector, Tower shield, Potion of nimbleness, Hickory compound bow, Potion of healing, Potion of cure poison, Mithril chainmail girdle, Potion of tranquility, Mithril long sword, Platemail boots 00:30:00 00:20:00 75 343
chest Stoneheim Polished bone key Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Manastone, Potion of fury, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Potion of fortitude, Scroll of recall / Adamantite blade, Potion of clear thought, Mithril blade, High-metal broadsword, Rough ruby, Hickory compound bow, Potion of serious healing, Morningstar of the Sun, Potion of critical healing 00:26:40 00:13:20 3 631
chest Stoneheim Potion of serious healing, Rough ruby, Elven chainmail girdle, Large shield, Potion of light healing, Hickory reflex bow, Elm recurve bow, Potion of healing, Potion of fortitude, Potion of clear thought, Elven leather gloves, Prismatic blade 00:20:00 00:10:00 0 435
chest Stoneheim Elven chainmail gauntlets, Elm recurve bow, High-metal dagger, Potion of serious healing, Mithril dagger, Potion of cure rabies, Fine steel dagger, Elven leather gloves, Potion of light healing, Potion of clear thought, Plate protector, Potion of cure disease 00:26:40 00:13:20 0 543
chest Stoneheim Key of the Banished Key of the Forgotten 00:35:00 00:30:00 100 670
chest Stoneheim Key of the Forgotten Mithril shield, Potion of cure disease, Oak flatbow, Mithril chainmail boots, Mithril chainmail gauntlets, Adamantite blade, Oak longbow, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure poison, Dwarven platemail gauntlets, Gauntlets of shocking, Platemail helmet 00:35:00 00:30:00 100 701
chest Stoneheim Key of the Banished Mithril broadsword, Rough agate, Potion of fortitude, Mithril chainmail boots, High-metal flail, Potion of serious healing, Potion of light healing, High-metal short sword, Potion of tranquility, Hickory compound bow, Oak recurve bow, Rough limestone, Fine steel dagger, Potion of critical healing / Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Torch, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Scroll of recall, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure poison 00:30:00 00:20:00 50 667
chest Stoneheim Elven chainmail girdle, Elven chainmail gauntlets, Elven chainmail helmet, Elven chainmail boots, Ring of the rogue, Mithril dagger, Mithril blade, Cord of treachery, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing 00:30:00 00:20:00 65 640
chest Stoneheim Key of the Lost Soul Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of fury, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fortitude, Potion of regeneration, Torch, Potion of serious healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir / Mithril flail, Plate protector, Potion of fortitude, Potion of cure poison, Fine steel hand axe, Plate protector, Elven leather belt, High-metal short sword, High-metal flail, Scroll of recall, Large shield, Mana prism 00:30:00 00:20:00 75 667
chest Stoneheim Elven chainmail girdle, Potion of fortitude, Potion of light healing, Mithril dagger, Potion of nimbleness, Oak reflex bow, Scroll of recall, Potion of light healing, Elven leather boots, Elven leather helmet, Potion of fury, Platemail helmet 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 632
chest Stoneheim Potion of clear thought, Elm recurve bow, Bone-tipped arrows (unlimited), Potion of fortitude, Mithril chainmail leggings, Potion of fortitude, Elven leather belt, Potion of healing, Fine steel scimitar, Elven leather boots, Hickory recurve bow, Elven chainmail boots, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 534
chest Stoneheim Mithril chainmail helmet, Potion of healing, Dwarven platemail gauntlets, Fine steel scimitar, Potion of nimbleness, Hickory compound bow, Plate protector, Fine steel hand axe, Hickory recurve bow, Potion of critical healing, Fine steel hand axe, Elven chainmail gauntlets 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 652
chest Stoneheim Scroll of recall, Hyper potion of fury, Hyper potion of tranquility, Hyper potion of clear thought, Hyper potion of fortitude, Hyper potion of nimbleness, Potion of regeneration / Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Potion of nimbleness, Plate protector, Potion of fortitude, Mithril chainmail leggings, Rough amethyst, Potion of cure rabies, Scroll of recall, Potion of cure poison, Potion of healing, Hickory recurve bow, Shield of the Damned 00:40:00 00:30:00 0 671
chest Stoneheim Twisted key Fine steel hand axe, Potion of fury, Fine steel mace, Elven chainmail helmet, Elven leather belt, Large shield, Rough limestone, Fine steel scimitar, Potion of light healing, Fine steel scimitar, Potion of fortitude, Potion of tranquility, Hickory longbow, Elven leather gloves, High-metal broadsword 00:30:00 00:20:00 75 603
chest Stoneheim Fine steel scimitar, Potion of tranquility, Elven chainmail gauntlets, Elven chainmail girdle, Potion of fury, Large shield, Potion of nimbleness, Plate protector, Elven chainmail gauntlets, Potion of cure disease, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 568
chest Stoneheim Scroll of recall, Large shield, Elven chainmail helmet, Fine steel hand axe, Oak flatbow, Rough carnelian, Potion of critical healing, Potion of nimbleness, Platemail helmet 00:30:00 00:20:00 0 556
chest Stoneheim Torch, Potion of mana, Manastone, Potion of cure poison, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure rabies, Scroll of recall, Mana elixir / Fine steel scimitar, Hickory compound bow, Potion of cure disease, Potion of fortitude, Potion of critical healing, Torch, High-metal mace, High-metal short sword, Potion of cure disease, High-metal short sword 00:30:00 00:16:40 0 543
chest Stoneheim Spider-shaped ring, Dwarven platel protector, Rough moonstone, Fine steel scimitar, Elven chainmail gauntlets, Plate protector, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fury, Rough malachite, Elven chainmail girdle, Mithril dagger, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Gauntlets of shocking / Potion of cure poison, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure rabies, Scroll of recall, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of fury, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility 00:30:00 00:23:20 0 891
chest Stoneheim Rough ruby, High-metal flail, Potion of clear thought, Mithril chainmail girdle, Dwarven platemail boots, Mithril chainmail gauntlets, Potion of fury, Mana prism, Mithril chainmail leggings, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of light healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of healing, Sapphire-hilted rapier, Platemail gauntlets 00:30:00 00:23:20 0 679
chest Stoneheim Potion of light healing, Elven leather boots, Fine steel hand axe, High-metal short sword, Mithril chainmail boots, Potion of light healing, Hickory recurve bow, Elm recurve bow, Potion of serious healing, Rough ruby, Mithril blade, Potion of tranquility, Cat-claw ornated staff, Platemail gauntlets 00:26:40 00:18:20 0 548
chest Stoneheim Jafo's heart, High-metal mace, High-metal flail, Fine steel mace, High-metal dagger, Mithril dagger, Fine steel dagger, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing 00:26:40 00:13:20 0 761
chest Stoneheim Cord of treachery, Potion of light healing, Potion of fury, Hickory compound bow, Hickory recurve bow, Potion of cure rabies, Mithril dagger, Large shield, Scroll of recall, Elven chainmail gauntlets, Oak flatbow, Platemail boots, Platemail helmet 00:23:20 00:13:20 0 434
chest Stoneheim Bracers of battle, Potion of critical healing, Potion of cure disease, Scroll of recall, High-metal mace, Fine steel mace, Hickory longbow, Elven leather gloves, Fine steel dagger, Potion of serious healing, Torch, Potion of tranquility, Potion of cure rabies, Hickory recurve bow, High-metal broadsword 00:23:20 00:13:20 0 134
chest Stoneheim Elven leather belt, Elven leather gloves, Elven leather boots, Elven leather helmet, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Manastone, Mana prism, Ring of the duellist 00:26:40 00:13:20 0 672
chest Stoneheim Jander's ring of nimbleness, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure poison, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Manastone, Mana elixir 00:20:00 00:10:00 0 623
chest Stoneheim High-metal short sword, Hickory longbow, Bone-tipped arrows (unlimited), Hickory reflex bow, Fine steel scimitar, Oak flatbow, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Ring of the ranger / Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of clear thought, Potion of tranquility, Potion of fury, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of light healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir 00:26:40 00:16:40 0 637
chest Raven's Dust Torch, Potion of mana, Sapphire bracelet, Ring of light, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir 00:43:20 00:38:20 0 165
chest Raven's Dust Potion of mana, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir 00:31:40 00:28:20 0 140
chest Raven's Dust Leather gloves, Leather boots, Studded leather gloves, Studded leather helmet, Studded leather leggings, Studded leather boots, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Scalemail helmet, Scalemail gauntlets, Ringmail boots, Ringmail gauntlets, Ringmail leggings, Ringmail helmet 00:50:00 00:46:40 0 176
chest Raven's Dust Defender, Potion of healing, Polished broadsword, Fine steel long sword, High-metal short sword, Polished broadsword, Polished short sword, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Elm flatbow, Elm longbow, Elm reflex bow, Elm recurve bow, Hickory longbow, Hickory reflex bow 01:01:40 00:58:20 0 197
chest Raven's Dust Potion of mana, Flask of crystal water, Potion of mana, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Mana elixir 00:58:20 00:36:20 0 198
chest Raven's Dust Ring of light, Ring of darkness, Ring of confidence 00:51:40 00:32:55 0 121
chest Raven's Dust Ring of light, Potion of mana, Sapphire bracelet, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing 00:51:40 00:48:20 0 230
chest Raven's Dust Ring of light, Potion of mana, Torch, Sapphire bracelet, Potion of mana, Potion of healing, Potion of healing, Mana elixir 00:53:20 00:50:00 0 142
chest Raven's Dust Potion of mana, Potion of healing, Mana elixir 01:40:00 01:36:40 0 245
chest Arakas Diamond 00:50:00 00:50:00 0 73
chest Arakas Iron key Book of Feylor 00:58:20 00:58:20 25 34
chest Raven's Dust Potion of light healing 02:05:00 02:05:00 0 130
chest Raven's Dust 01:56:40 01:56:40 0 97
chest Raven's Dust 01:51:40 01:51:40 0 450
chest Raven's Dust Leather gloves, Leather boots, Leather boots, Studded leather helmet, Studded leather gloves, Ringmail boots, Ringmail gauntlets, Ringmail helmet 00:58:20 00:35:00 0 148
chest Arakas Ring of light, Iron ring, Leather belt, Leather belt, Leather belt, Ring of confidence, Iron ring, Iron ring / Potion of mana, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Rusted long sword, Iron staff, Ashwood longbow 00:35:00 00:20:00 0 30
chest Arakas Iron key Iron ring, Iron ring, Iron ring, Iron ring, Torch, Torch / Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing 00:58:20 00:33:20 40 24
chest Arakas Potion of mana, Torch, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Rusted dirk, Rusted long sword, Ashwood longbow / Potion of mana, Potion of mana, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing 00:30:00 00:15:50 0 70
chest Arakas Studded leather gloves, Leather helmet, Leather boots, Leather gloves, Studded leather leggings, Leather helmet, Leather boots, Potion of light healing 00:53:20 00:25:00 0 132
chest Arakas Potion of mana, Potion of mana, Potion of mana, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing / Leather gloves, Leather gloves, Leather gloves, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Leather belt 00:23:20 00:13:20 0 34
chest Arakas Iron ring, Iron ring, Iron ring, Torch, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Ring of confidence, Ring of confidence 00:33:20 00:12:30 0 34
chest Arakas Dark key Ring of darkness, Ring of darkness, Ring of darkness, Polished long sword, Elm longbow, Ring of darkness, Ring of darkness, Ring of darkness 22:13:20 02:46:40 40 200
chest Arakas Iron key Ring of darkness, Iron ring, Torch, Torch, Torch, Ring of confidence 01:23:20 00:41:40 30 190
chest Arakas Studded leather helmet, Leather boots, Potion of mana, Iron ring, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Leather belt, Rusted dirk, Steel-reinforced club, Ashwood reflex bow 00:30:40 00:12:40 0 72
chest Arakas Iron ring, Potion of mana, Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Rusted dirk, Rusted dirk, Rusted dirk, Rusted long sword, Rusted short sword, Ashwood flatbow, Ashwood longbow 00:30:00 00:11:40 0 23
chest Arakas Leather boots, Leather helmet, Leather gloves, Studded leather helmet, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Rusted dirk, Rusted dirk, Rusted long sword, Ashwood flatbow, Ashwood longbow 00:25:00 00:10:00 0 45
chest Arakas Leather boots, Potion of mana, Torch, Torch, Leather gloves, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Rusted dirk, Ashwood flatbow 00:16:40 00:08:50 0 34
chest Arakas Torch, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Rusted dirk, Rusted dirk, Rusted dirk, Rusted long sword, Ashwood longbow / Torch, Potion of light healing 00:21:40 00:10:00 0 5
dark iron chest Stoneheim Dark iron key Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Chipped bone key, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing 00:20:00 00:10:00 80 34
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Onyx crystal key Ruby crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Ruby crystal key Sapphire crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Sapphire crystal key Emerald crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Agate crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Agate crystal key Carnelian crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Carnelian crystal key Amethyst crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Amethyst crystal key Malachite crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming chest inlaid with pre Oracle zone Malachite crystal key Onyx crystal key 00:16:40 00:16:40 500 0
Gleaming ivory chest Oracle zone Ivory key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
Madrigan's chest Madrigan's mad house Madrigan's key Madrigan's hat of camouflage, Helmet of the Clairvoyant, Straight jacket +1, Ring of the assassin, Rusted short sword, Rusted long sword, Polished short sword, Polished long sword, Ashwood longbow, Ashwood reflex bow, Elm flatbow, Elm longbow, Elm reflex bow, Elm recurve bow, Rusted hand axe / Potion of partial fire resistance, Potion of partial water resistance, Potion of partial earth resistance, Potion of partial air resistance, Potion of partial protection from evil, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of deific healing, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Mana prism, Manastone, Potion of fury 00:50:00 00:33:20 250 544
Reynen's chest Raven's Dust Reynen's key Royal key, Feather, Potion of light healing 00:50:00 00:33:20 200 223
shiny metal chest Stoneheim Shiny metal key Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Dark iron key, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Dark iron key 00:50:00 00:50:00 80 38
skraug hunter's corpse Stoneheim Raw crystal, Moon Tug scalp, Potion of nimbleness, Bone-tipped arrows (unlimited), Wooden arrows (unlimited), Elm reflex bow, Elm recurve bow, Potion of cure poison, Potion of cure disease, Potion of healing, Crude skraug bow 00:33:20 00:16:40 0 344
skraug shaman's corpse Stoneheim Raw crystal, Moon Tug scalp, Potion of cure rabies, Potion of cure disease, Potion of cure poison, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of mana, Mana elixir, Manastone, Shaman's mantle, Potion of light healing, Torch, Scroll of recall 00:33:20 00:16:40 0 234
skraug warrior's corpse Stoneheim Bracers of battle, Potion of fury, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of regeneration, Fine steel short sword, Fine steel long sword, Potion of fortitude, Potion of healing 00:33:20 00:16:40 0 126
skraug's corpse Stoneheim Raw crystal, Potion of light healing, Potion of healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of tranquility, Potion of clear thought, Potion of fury, Potion of fortitude, Potion of nimbleness, Torch 00:33:20 00:16:40 0 171
Steel safe Stoneheim Steel safe key Secret document 00:41:40 00:41:40 500 147
wooden chest Oracle zone Translucent key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Gothic shield, High-metal bastard sword +3, Mithril blade +3, Dragonscale helmet, Dragonscale armor, Dragonscale gauntlets, Dragonscale protector, Dragonscale leggings, Dragonscale boots, High clerist's robes, Cloak of renewal, Mantle of death, Robe of the Arch Magi, Ruby power focus, Diamond power focus, Sapphire power focus, Emerald power focus, Mystic headband of the wind, Arcane circlet of power, Runed malachite diadem, Golden emerald-encrusted tiara 08:00:00 04:00:00 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Arcane circlet of power, Runed malachite diadem, Golden emerald-encrusted tiara, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of deific healing, Manastone, Manastone, Manastone, Mana prism, Mystic headband of the wind 08:00:00 04:00:00 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone High clerist's robes, Cloak of renewal, Mantle of death, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Manastone, Manastone, Manastone, Mana prism, Robe of the Arch Magi / Ruby power focus, Sapphire power focus, Diamond power focus, Emerald power focus, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Mana elixir, Manastone, Manastone, Manastone, Mana prism 08:00:00 04:00:00 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Small silver key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Small gold key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Gothic shield, Dragonscale armor, Dragonscale protector, High-metal bastard sword +3, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of deific healing, Dragonscale boots / Dragonscale gauntlets, Dragonscale helmet, Dragonscale leggings, Mithril blade +3, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of critical healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of serious healing, Potion of deific healing 08:00:00 04:00:00 0 0
wooden chest Stoneheim Magic mirror 00:50:00 00:50:00 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Shimmering platinum key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0
wooden chest Oracle zone Crude iron key 00:16:40 00:16:40 0 0